COVID-19 Safety Protocol Updates

At Oregon Rheumatology Specialists, you can rest assured that you will receive the best care, in a healthy and safe environment.

COVID-19 Safety Protocol Updates, effective 04.03.2023
  1.  Before entering the clinic, please wash your hands with hand sanitizer.  (Antes de ingresar a la clínica, lávese las manos con desinfectante para manos.)
  2. Please find a comfy place to sit and if needed, ask the receptionist to help you find a seat. (Encuentre un lugar cómodo para sentarse y, si es necesario, pídale a la recepcionista que lo ayude a encontrar un asiento.)
  3. While masks are no longer required, please respect those who choose to wear one.  (Si bien ya no se requieren máscaras, respete a quienes elijan usar una.)
  4. If you are experiencing symptoms of illness, tell the receptionist and please wear a mask. (Si tiene síntomas de enfermedad, use una máscara.)

For the health and safety of all, visitors are restricted – one visitor is allowed for patients needing assistance during their appointment.